Hate Defined
by: John Sills
It burns, it bites, it boils the seas,
It churns and destroys for all the world to see
It is rancid and vile it is the cancer within me
No pretty words or flowers can remedy
It begins with a twitch
Like fire on the wound, or ripping the stitch
It swells into chaos and discord
until you can't remember what your fighting for
All you see is Rage, whilst you rattle in your cage
Your hear feels like its on fire
Without love or desire
A charred remain
within the brain
lies a desolate flame
Sundered and put to shame
Ask me now why it binds
It is one of the many deaths of the mind
Its fires will bring ruin to the verse
And upon your heart a plague and a curse
It will choke the life right out of you
Until there is nothing left to do.
Words become razor blades
Goodness withers and fades.
Intention becomes Malice
and within you the seeds of the infernal palace
No pretty words could excuse
When hate calls up on you
This rockets through me!! Very true, hope to see this at Poetry Slam